Management Trainer: Since 1985, I’ve been called in by companies, doctors and educational institutes to help teach the value of counselling technique in team-building and staff and patient management. My award-winning videos have been the focus of hundreds of seminars helping staff feel more comfortable...

Emotional Time Lords have the power to travel from our past lives and wreak havoc in the present. But unlike Doctor Who, you don't need a Tardis to escape. Published in The Observer August 25, 2002 'Ian', a middle-aged politician who normally copes successfully with his peers,...

Press release: Published 1st June 2002 - BACP Recently, an anonymous patient sued the NHS because she wasn't offered counselling after an abortion. Nor was she warned that psychological complications could follow the operation. This legal action raises issues of vital concern to patients, counsellors, the NHS and tax-payers. Few people relish...

Notes towards an article 15th January 2002 What's wrong with soccer is soccer (and what's right with rugby is rugby). It is too often said that the problems with soccer are social. I would rather say the trouble with soccer is soccer. The game is riddled with violence, corruption, thuggery,...

Published in The Independent May 4th 2000 Persephone, Lily, Daffodil, Crocus, Forsythia and Rose. Remember these names - if your senescent brain is up to it. Scientists say these six cloned cows with their floral nomenclature have cells which are biologically younger than those of newborns....